. Almost-7-year old Boo's persistence amazes me. That's 64 floors. You're on 7, going up to 60 (it's lit up in red.) Look, and the lower buttons are handicap accessible. But I guess you have to be real skinny to get out. Or in. .
This is where I grew up. I mean, once I got to the US. After we left Long Island. This is where I "grew up." Where I graduated high school. And got out of as fast as possible.
I don't know how to show you the steepness of this street. (How did Diebenkorn do it with paint?)
(When I was little, I always thought it looked like a Squaw with a headband. I still do, I guess.)
. We went to the homestead this past weekend. Boo, Hubs and the Grandma were picking out rhododendrons at the nursery and I was picking out compositions. I still don't know how to use my camera but I'm learning.